Profile of EricJHan

Find some information about EricJHan in the profile info. In the table are all games and bit further down you'll find all reviews and finally the rating graph.

Profile info of EricJHan

About me


I am a USAF veteran and motivated baduk player of two years. My goal is to become more consistent and solid, while building my strength.
City: Saint Paul, MN
Country: USA
My Go Idol: Lee Changho
My strengths: A quick learner and composed tactician when the temper doesn't get the best of me.
My weaknesses: Too much theory in the head, and not enough applicable experience.

Games Table of EricJHan

# Tournament Round White Black Result Rating Change
10 AYD League H, June-July 2018 1 EricJHan Nascent B+Forfeit 681 -5
9 AYD League H, May-June 2018 4 EricJHan RMeigs B+Resign 686 -11
8 AYD League H, May-June 2018 3 Grandz EricJHan W+Resign 697 -2
7 AYD League H, May-June 2018 2 EricJHan nathanl B+Resign 699 -5
6 AYD League H, May-June 2018 1 Nascent EricJHan B+5.5 704 +15
5 AYD League H, April-May 2018 5 EricJHan SashaOtter B+Resign 689 -5
4 AYD League H, April-May 2018 4 EricJHan raindog B+Resign 694 -6
3 AYD League H, April-May 2018 3 EricJHan RMeigs W+24.5 700 +10
2 AYD League H, April-May 2018 2 nathanl EricJHan W+Resign 690 -5
1 AYD League H, April-May 2018 1 Nascent EricJHan W+Resign 695 -5
0 AYD League H, April-May 2018 0 Initial Rating 700

Reviews for EricJHan RSS

Rating Graph