Yunguseng league system

We play the game on KGS in the 'Yunguseng Dojang' private room. The games are played one evening per week at 20:00(EST, Eastern Standard Time, GMT -5). A day after, at 18:45, the Yunguseng teacher will review games. 
The games the teacher couldn't review online will be reviewed and recorded offline and put on the Vimeo video platform later. The "live" reviews are also recorded and can be watched again later.
We'll meet one weekend each month to play one more round. The schedule is detailed further down in the Google Calendar.

1. League System 5. Reviews 9. Spectators
2. Playing months 6. Lectures 10. Personal report
3. Round Robin 7. Schedule  
4. Playing days & times 8. Yunguseng rating  

1. League system

Yunguseng consists of 4-6 leagues; each League will have 6 players.
After each month, 2 people will go up, 2 will stay, and 2 will go down.

2. Playing Months

There will be nine play months a year. Each time a full season (three months) has ended, we'll take a month off in spring, summer, and winter.

Season 38 (2024)
January 1st league
February 2nd league
March 3rd league
April        Break        
Season 39 (2024)
May 1st league
June 2nd league
July 3rd league
August        Break        
Season 40 (2024)
September 1st league
October 2nd league
November 3rd league
December      Break       
Season 41 (2025)
January 1st league
February 2nd league
March 3rd league
April        Break        
Season 42 (2025)
May 1st league
June 2nd league
July 3rd league
August        Break        
Season 43 (2025)
September 1st league
October 2nd league
November 3rd league
December      Break       

3. Round Robin

A full-league system will be played; everyone plays everyone else in their league(Round Robin) once per month.

  1. Each player plays 5 games per month.
  2. The pairings follow a simple scheme
Game #1: 1 vs 6 2 vs 5 3 vs 4
Game #2: 1 vs 5 2 vs 4 3 vs 6
Game #3: 1 vs 4 2 vs 3 5 vs 6
Game #4: 1 vs 3 4 vs 5 2 vs 6
Game #5: 1 vs 2 3 vs 5 4 vs 6

4. Playing days & times

The games will be played on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday evenings at 20:00 ET(GMT -5, after daylight saving time GMT -4).
And once a month, there will be a game/review on the weekend.
If a member can't make regular time for the scheduled time or wants to change the game date or time, they can use a 'contact list' to contact their opponent to reschedule.
The 'Contact list' is shared at the beginning of each cycle.

5. Reviews

From the 39th season, the teacher will review games one day after the games are played. It will be at 18:45 ET.
Members can join and watch all the group's games and reviews. You can also watch all the recorded lesson videos.
There will be 9 games in each group(3 leagues), and about 5-7 games will be covered by online reviews. The rest will be reviewed in an offline format video called 'Additional review.'
It may also take some time to complete. In general, it takes 3-4 days after the game, but it may take a week during the busy period(the end of each league).

6. Lectures

The Yunguseng teacher will give three lectures per month. The lessons will be in the KGS [Yunguseng Dojang] room.
Since the 25th season, we have used Discord for better-quality audio. Please follow the Instruction video:
And the [Yunguseng Dojang] Discord channel:

We will record these lessons. If you can not attend the online lectures, you can watch them later.

7. Schedule

8. Yunguseng rating

All standard members will take the Yunguseng rating point after their first joining.
As most of the members have a KGS rating, there's a table on how the KGS rating will be converted to a Yunguseng rating.

Please see the KGS - YD rating conversion table:

Rating Conversion Table
AGA Rank   OGS   KGS YDR* YD Initial rating
 6-7 Dan 5-6 Dan 5-6 Dan 2550 6 Dan
5-6 Dan 5 Dan 5 Dan 2400 5 Dan
4-5 Dan 4 Dan 4 Dan 2300 4 Dan
4 Dan 3 Dan 3 Dan 2200 Strong 3 dan
3 - 4 Dan 2150 Standard 3 Dan
3 Dan 2100 Weak 3 Dan
2-3 Dan 2 Dan 2 Dan 2000 2 Dan
1-2 Dan 1 Dan 1 Dan 1900 1 Dan
1 Dan 1 Kyu 1 Kyu 1800 Strong 1 Kyu
1 Kyu- 1 Dan 1750 Standard 1 Kyu
1 Kyu 1700 Weak 1 Kyu
2 Kyu 2-3 Kyu 2 Kyu 1650 Strong 2 Kyu
1600 Standard 2 Kyu
1550 Weak 2 Kyu
3 Kyu 4 Kyu 3 Kyu 1500 Strong 3 Kyu
1450 Standard 3 Kyu
1400 Weak 3 Kyu
4 Kyu 5-6 Kyu 4 Kyu 1300 4 Kyu
5 Kyu 7 Kyu 5 Kyu 1200 5 Kyu
6 Kyu 8 Kyu 6 Kyu 1100 6 Kyu
7 Kyu 9 Kyu 7 Kyu 1050 7 Kyu
8-9 Kyu 10 Kyu 8 Kyu 1000 8 Kyu
9-10 Kyu 11 Kyu 9 Kyu 900 9 Kyu
10-11 Kyu 12 Kyu 10 Kyu 800 10 Kyu
11-12 Kyu 13 Kyu 11 Kyu 700 11 Kyu
12-13 Kyu 14-15 Kyu 12 Kyu 600 12 Kyu

*  YDR = Yunguseng Dojang Rating

The rating system is very simple. If two players of the same strength play each other, the winner will get 10 rating points, and the loser will lose 10 points. If the players are not evenly matched, the stronger one will receive one less rating point for every 50 rating points difference between the players.
For example, if a player with 100 more rating points wins, they will only gain 8 points (and the loser will only lose 8 points).
This continues until a player is 500 points or stronger than the other, then the stronger player wins 0 rating points. But if they lose against a player 500 points weaker, they'll lose the maximum possible rating point of 20.

Click here to check the personal data page with rating: Profile of Frederic Panico

Yunguseng Rating
Difference weaker stronger
  W L W L
500 +20 -0 +0 -20
450 +19 -1 +1 -19
400 +18 -2 +2 -18
350 +17 -3 +3 -17
300 +16 -4 +4 -16
250 +15 -5 +5 -15
200 +14 -6 +6 -14
150 +13 -7 +7 -13
100 +12 -8 +8 -12
50 +11 -9 +9 -11
0 +10 -10 +10 -10

Since Season 20, January 2018, 1 point per game will be given as the game experience point.
It means that winners get 1 Rating point more and losers 1 less, so if two equally strong players meet, the score is +11 and -9.

9. Spectators

The spectator package is meant for those who want to join the reviews and lectures but don't have enough time to play the league games or can't join the league due to a lack of slots. 

As a spectator, you can participate in the following:
1. Join ongoing reviews & lectures
2. Watch all the recorded videos for the past seasons

* If there are more than 150 times of hits for watching lectures in less than 10 days, 350 in a month, it can be treated as collecting lecture videos, and the membership can be stopped.

10. Personal report

It's a personal Go report; the teacher gives his opinion of each member's style of play, strengths and weaknesses, and where to focus on studying Go. The teacher's comment will help members understand more about their Go, which can be a map for making their study plan.
It'll be given to all members who complete one season(three months) as a league player. The second report is in the third season(two-season term), and the third report will be given every year(three-season term).
(Ex: After 1st season: 1st report: / After 3rd season: 2nd report. From the 2nd report, each three-season(one year) term, the new edition will be given)

Here's the sample file :