You must be able to play the 5 games per month to start in the Yunguseng league. It may happen that one or the other player can not be there on the playing evening, but this is no major problem. The players can arrange the game on an earlier day before the scheduled game. You can check the schedule showing who will be your opponent beforehand. You will play always the same evening each week, although once a month there will be a game on the weekend.
League rules
- At the start of each season, the players will be placed in the league by order of their Yunguseng rating point.
- Time settings: 40 min main thinking time and 30 seconds 3 times byoyomi(*since the 14th season) [setup window]. Anyone showing up later than 15 min will lose their game by default(If the late player is reachable, then up to 20 min is possible)
- If both players agree, players can change the game date or time. The player who wants to change the time or date should inform the other player at least 3 days before the anticipated game.
- When contacting opponents, that mail should be forwarded to so the Yunguseng manager can track it to help reschedule if necessary.
- If you are already late to contact 3 days in advance, please contact the admin directly.
- Komi is 6.5. All games are played without handicaps. Use nigiri to choose the color.
- At the end of each league, the 1st and the 2nd placed player will move up to the higher league, and the 5th and the 6th placed will move down to the lower league. The two placed last in the last league don't drop out. If you are on the waiting list, you can only replace someone who left on their own.
- Tiebreaker: In the case that two or more players tie, the order for promotion or demotion in the league will be their initial placement from the beginning of the season (in the first season, the start placements are assigned by placement in the EGF rating).
- If 1 or more players quit the league, we fill up the league with a waiting list of players. This player will be placed in a league based on their Go Rating, although it must be a lower league than the quit player's league. Otherwise, lower-league players may take a disadvantage. (Ex: One player quit the League C, and the waiting list player is League A level, but we don't put this player in the league A or B. because, in this case, the League C guy who is promoted to the league B will have a disadvantage)
- Waiting list: Once the available spots in the league have been filled, players are then placed on a waiting list and replace players that drop from the league. The waiting list works with first in, first out (fifo); the newcomers will start at the lowest position in their league.
- Taking a break: If a player wants to take a break at the end of a month or season, it's possible. In this case, let the admin know 10 days before the league ends. When the player returns, they will be placed in the middle of the waiting list; e.g. if there are 8 people waiting, they will move to the 5th place in the waiting list.
- When a player takes a break, membership will automatically change to the Spectator option and be charged the Spectator fee. So, if you want to completely quit, please let the admin know.
- Spectator limit: If there are more than 150 times of hits for watching lectures in less than 10 days, 350 in a month, it can be treated as collecting lecture videos, and the membership can be stopped.
Member Rules
- Be polite when members play a game & communicate with each other.
This is especially true when you contact others in order to request a change to the league game time and date.
- You are required to play 5 games a month.
It's kind of a group study system. If a player misses a game, both they and their opponent will not get the benefit of the review.
- Forbidden to share the user ID and Password.
We are using a login system to access our recorded videos. Please DO NOT share your ID and password with anyone. The recorded videos are intellectual property and should be protected as such.
- The lesson videos should not be uploaded to any other places.
As the lesson videos are intellectual property, it's not allowed to be uploaded to any other places.
Scholarship rule
- Be honest when asking for the U26 discount scholarship.
There's a discount fee for the U-26 people in order to help them study Go with less of a financial burden. So, if you want to take this scholarship, be honest with yourself that you are under 26 years old and have no regular income. If someone has a regular income, they should pay a normal fee even if they are U-26. The maximum number of scholarships is 10 people per season.
- Forfeit 3 out rule
To get a scholarship means to get a favor from the Yunguseng system. And Yunguseng system wants this favor back with their 100 % attendance on their games. As the following Yunguseng games are very important, this would be very strict for the people who get the scholarship. If there are more than 3 times of forfeit issues that come from the scholarship person in a season(15 games), then the scholarship will be canceled immediately, and no more scholarship benefits will be given to the person.
- Teacher's rights
If a teacher thinks that someone who takes the scholarship doesn't put seriousness in YD games, the teacher may take out the scholarship and stop the membership. The reason why the scholarship program exists is that Yunguseng Dojang gives a chance to under-26-year-old Go players who really want to study and improve their strength but have a financial burden. If someone doesn't have the desire to improve Go, don't deserve this benefit.
- Scholarship tie breaker
If there are more than 10 people who have a right to get the scholarship, then the former season's number of forfeit games will be the tiebreaker.
- Scholarship fee
Scholarship fee has only one type: one season fee. No one month and two seasons fee, and it is not refundable. The rest of the payment will be used for the spectator membership
Anti-cheating committee
First of all, all this procedure and effort are NOT for investigating members; it's the work that blocks AI-users from the Yunguseng Dojang, where people study sincerely.
Since many of the AI Go programs have improved its level over the strongest human Go player, Yunguseng Dojang is concerned that some of the members might use those programs to win. Our Dojang games are not for wins but for study. So, it is hard to find a reason to use the AI programs for Yunguseng games. However, as there are many AI-cheating cases reported in online tournaments in Europe, America, and even in the Professional field in Asian countries, Yunguseng Dojang would like to prepare for this risk. Therefore, Yunguseng Dojang launched the Anti-cheating committee to observe and investigate the suspected games and members.
The committee members: Five teachers(In-seong Hwang, Chi-min Oh, Young-sam Kim, Seong-jin Kim, Mark Lee) + AI program expert, and Go tournament referees will be added in the future to set max 9 members.
General: - This Anti-cheating procedure comes into effect from the 29th season. - All this procedure is private. It opens only to the members who played against the investigated member. - All the members agreed with this Anti-cheating committee regulation and confirmed it when entering the Yunguseng Dojang (There is a check box in the registration form)
The procedure of the AI-cheating investigation:
- 1. One of the teachers investigates a member who plays way higher level games than their former Yunguseng games or E.G.D rating points in a short period.
*Examples - Mid-kyu player plays +3 dan quality games / Disappearance of simple mistakes) - Particularly strong in one part. For instance, reading is about 3 kyu, but the Opening stage is + 5dan or the other way around.
- 2. The teacher who investigated, submits the case to the Anti-cheating committee.
- 3. Each of the committee members investigates individually and makes a decision.
- 4-1. If more than two-thirds(2/3) of committee members confirm the case as a 'cheating' case, the committee will inform the member who is investigated.
- 4-2. If less than two-thirds(2/3) of committee members confirm the case as the 'not cheating' case, the committee will close the case and not inform the investigated member.)
- 5. In a 4-1 case, if the game quality doesn't change in the next three games, the committee requests the investigated member to set up a camera & share the screen for the next two games.
- This request is forceful. If the investigated member rejects this action(Camera + Share screen), the committee has a right to expel the investigated member from the Yunguseng Dojang. - A camera must be set with the over-shoulder view, which shows the computer screen + space around. *Example photos: Copyright:
- If the game quality drops much after this action(Camera + Share screen), the committee confirms the investigation and expels the investigated member.
- In this case, up to the played cycle will be counted, and the rest of the payment will be reimbursed.
- 6-2 If the game quality doesn't drop after this action(Camera + Share screen), the committee confirms that the investigated member doesn't cheat and closes the case.
