Profile of Labda

In the table are all games played by Labda and bit further down you'll find all reviews and finally the rating graph.

Games Table of Labda

# Tournament Round White Black Result Rating Change
45 EYD League C2 March 2024 5 Labda ppa88 W+Resign 1626 +8
44 EYD League C2 March 2024 4 AgingGuru Labda B+Resign 1618 +15
43 EYD League C2 March 2024 3 Labda toomasr W+Resign 1603 +11
42 EYD League C2 March 2024 2 Grynsa Labda B+7.5 1592 +8
41 EYD League C2 March 2024 1 Labda alec B+Resign 1584 -10
40 EYD League C2 February 2024 5 twohalf Labda W+8.5 1594 -9
39 EYD League C2 February 2024 4 Labda Tuzid W+51.5 1603 +10
38 EYD League C2 February 2024 3 Ananananas Labda B+Resign 1593 +11
37 EYD League C2 February 2024 2 azalea0o0 Labda B+Time 1582 +10
36 EYD League C2 February 2024 1 Labda Grynsa B+Resign 1572 -12
35 EYD League C1 January 2024 5 cbcvcvcv Labda W+4.5 1584 -8
34 EYD League C1 January 2024 4 Labda Koan B+Resign 1592 -7
33 EYD League C1 January 2024 3 Labda twohalf B+Resign 1599 -9
32 EYD League C1 January 2024 2 OranGoTan Labda W+Resign 1608 -7
31 EYD League C1 January 2024 1 Labda dfan W+Resign 1615 +13
EYD League C1 January 2024 Manual Rating Reset 1602
30 EYD League D2, November 2020 5 JBertram Labda B+Time 1357 +11
29 EYD League D2, November 2020 4 rpablo007 Labda W+Resign 1346 -9
28 EYD League D2, November 2020 3 Labda rustygecko B+38.5 1355 -8
27 EYD League D2, November 2020 2 Labda Gaaruto W+5.5 1363 +11
26 EYD League D2, November 2020 1 Labda grablor W+39.5 1352 +12
25 EYD League D3, October 2020 5 rpablo007 Labda W+8.5 1340 -9
24 EYD League D3, October 2020 4 Labda woard B+9.5 1349 -9
23 EYD League D3, October 2020 3 Labda hdc W+Resign 1358 +12
22 EYD League D3, October 2020 2 Labda Margu W+20.5 1346 +10
21 EYD League D3, October 2020 1 Keyvan Labda B+Resign 1336 +11
20 EYD League D3, September 2020 5 Keyvan Labda B+13.5 1325 +11
19 EYD League D3, September 2020 4 Labda niallgo W+Resign 1314 +11
18 EYD League D3, September 2020 3 ajopuu Labda W+Resign 1303 -9
17 EYD League D3, September 2020 2 Labda wildpizza W+20.5 1312 +11
16 EYD League D3, September 2020 1 Labda JBertram B+11.5 1301 -9
15 EYD League C4, June-July 2020 5 Labda woard B+22.5 1310 -8
14 EYD League C4, June-July 2020 4 Labda Keyvan B+Resign 1318 -9
13 EYD League C4, June-July 2020 3 ajopuu Labda W+38.5 1327 -10
12 EYD League C4, June-July 2020 2 Labda brogicus B+28.5 1337 -3
11 EYD League C4, June-July 2020 1 Labda yaneth W+11.5 1340 +14
10 EYD League D1, May-June 2020 5 Margu Labda B+Resign 1326 +10
9 EYD League D1, May-June 2020 4 Koan Labda B+Resign 1316 +10
8 EYD League D1, May-June 2020 3 ajopuu Labda W+4.5 1306 -10
7 EYD League D1, May-June 2020 2 brx Labda B+Time 1316 +10
6 EYD League D1, May-June 2020 1 JBertram Labda B+3.5 1306 +10
5 EYD League D1, April-May 2020 5 Labda Koan W+Time 1296 +10
4 EYD League D1, April-May 2020 4 Labda woard B+31.5 1286 -8
3 EYD League D1, April-May 2020 3 Labda grablor B+37.5 1294 -9
2 EYD League D1, April-May 2020 2 kogamiyata Labda B+1.5 1303 +10
1 EYD League D1, April-May 2020 1 Labda ajopuu W+4.5 1293 +11
0 EYD League D1, April-May 2020 0 Initial Rating 1282

Reviews for Labda RSS

  • Season 38 Cycle 3
    • Group C 5th round review twohalf vs labda, doremix vs Chris1234, azalea0o0 vs Tuzid, Claspa vs Koan, hobbit vs pasis, Koan vs pasis
    • Group C 5th round review twohalf vs pasis, doremix vs azalea0o0, nabla vs Grynsa, Chris1234 vs elmi, labda vs ppa88, toomasr vs AgingGuru, Jhon001 vs lagolden
    • Group C 4th round review elmi vs Jhon001, AgingGuru vs labda, azalea0o0 vs lagolden, labda vs toomasr
    • Group C 2nd round review dfan vs pasis, AgingGuru vs ppa88, nabla vs toomasr, Grynsa vs labda, Jhon001 vs azalea0o0, Chris1234 vs lagolden
    • Group C 1st round review lagolden vs elmi, AgingGuru vs Grynsa, pasis vs hobbit, labda vs nabla, Jhon001 vs doremix, twohalf vs wobble, azalea0o0 vs Chris1234
  • Season 38 Cycle 2
  • Season 38 Cycle 1
  • Season 36 Cycle 3
  • Season 28 Cycle 3
    • Group D 5th round reviews tennisbabe vs KamiKatze, rustygecko vs rpablo007, goemilgo vs hdc, Margu vs wildpizza, JBertram vs labda, tonio65 vs yaneth, Spelbreker vs toomasr
    • Group D 4th round reviews rpablo007 vs labda, Grablor vs rustygecko, Spelbreker vs nbouscal, ajopuu vs tennisbabe, hdc vs wildpizza, Tonio65 vs goemilgo(by Young-sam)
    • Group D 3rd round reviews toomasr vs ajopuu, goemilgo vs wildpizza, JBertram vs Grablor, labda vs rustygecko, rpablo007 vs Gaaruto, tennisbabe vs nbouscal, hdc vs yaneth
    • Group D 2nd round 1st additional reviews labda vs Gaaruto, yaneth vs wildpizza (by Chi-min)
    • Group D 1st round reviews ajopuu vs KamiKatze, toomasr vs nbouscal, rustygecko vs Gaaruto, rpablo007 vs JBertram, wildpizza vs tonio65, Margu vs hdc, labda vs Grablor
  • Season 28 Cycle 2
    • Group D 5th round reviews hdc vs woard, rpablo007 vs labda, KamiKatze vs Gaaruto, Margu vs Keyvan, rikuge vs Spelbreker (by Seong-jin)
    • Group D 4th round reviews rpablo007 vs Keyvan, ajopuu vs yaneth, pluksch vs Gaaruto, tonio65 vs Grablor, labda vs woard, Spelbreker vs nbouscal, tennisbabe vs JBertram, margu vs hdc
    • Group D 3rd round reviews KamiKatze vs nbouscal, ajopuu vs JBertram, labda vs hdc, Margu vs rpablo007 (by Chi-min)
    • Group D 2nd round reviews rikuge vs nbouscal, Spelbreker vs Gaaruto, woard vs rpablo007, labda vs Margu, KamiKatze vs pluksch, Keyvan vs hdc, tennisbabe vs yaneth, ajopuu vs tonio65
    • Group D 1st round reviews Margu vs woard, Labda vs Keyvan, grablor vs yaneth, ajopuu vs tennisbabe, nbouscal vs Gaaruto, Spelbreker vs KamiKatze (by Young-sam)
  • Season 28 Cycle 1
    • Group D 5th round reviews tonio65 vs Spelbreker, gplayer vs KamiKatze, yaneth vs hdc, wildpizza vs niallgo, MilosS vs tennisbabe, labda vs Keyvan, rikuge vs Grablor, woard vs Gaaruto
    • Group D 4th round reviews KamiKatze vs tennisbabe, labda vs niallgo, Gaaruto vs yaneth, ajopuu vs Keyvan, rikuge vs woard, gplayer vs tonio65 (by Chi-min)
    • Group D 3rd round reviews MilosS vs gplayer, JBertram vs niallgo, Keyvan vs wildpizza, ajopuu vs labda
    • Group D 2nd round reviews JBertram vs Keyvan, Gaaruto vs Grablor, MilosS vs KamiKatze, labda vs wildpizza, gplayer vs Spelbreker, niallgo vs ajopuu, tonio65 vs tennisbabe
    • Group D 1st round reviews gplayer vs tennisbabe, Keyvan vs niallgo, rikuge vs Gaaruto, JBertram vs labda, hdc vs woard, Grablor vs yaneth, Spelbreker vs KamiKatze, ajopuu vs wildpizza, MilosS vs tonio65
  • Season 27 Cycle 3
  • Season 27 Cycle 2
    • Group D 5th round reviews Fridex vs user5555, kogamiyata vs hanspi, arunasr vs elmi, Plenty vs Ddoox, GorkTheOrk vs Void, JBertram vs ajopuu, labda vs Margu, tamingo vs GoWaniGo
    • Group D 4th round reveiws labda vs Koan, Void vs Plenty, GorkTheOrk vs tamingo, GoWaniGo vs Ddoox (by Seong-jin)
    • Group D 3rd round reviews hanspi vs arunasr, JBertram vs Koan, kogamiyata vs user5555, GorkTheOrk vs Ddoox, ajopuu vs labda, Fridex vs elmi, brx vs Margu
    • Group D 2nd round reviews elmi vs kogamiyata, hanspi vs user5555, ajopuu vs Koan, Fridex vs arunasr, labda vs brx, Void vs Ddoox, Margu vs JBertram
    • Group D 1st round reviews labda vs JBertram, user5555 vs arunasr, kogamiyata vs Fridex, Void vs GoWaniGo, hanspi vs elmi (by Young-sam)
  • Season 27 Cycle 1
    • Group D 5th round reviews user5555 vs GoWaniGo, Grablor vs woard, labda vs Koan, Fridex vs Ddoox, arunasr vs GorkTheOrk, hanspi vs Void, brx vs JBertram, ajopuu vs kogamiyata, elmi vs tamingo
    • Group D 4th round additional review woard vs Labda
    • Group D 3rd round reviews woard vs ajopuu, kogamiyata vs Koan, brx vs hanspi, Grablor vs labda, JBertram vs GorkTheOrk, user5555 vs tamingo, GoWaniGo vs Ddoox, arunasr vs Void, elmi vs Fridex
    • Group D 2nd round reviews labda vs kogamiyata, brx vs arunasr, hanspi vs JBertram, user5555 vs elmi, woard vs Koan, Void vs GorkTheOrk, Fridex vs GoWaniGo, Grablor vs ajopuu
    • Group D 1st round reviews woard vs kogamiyata, hanspi vs GorkTheOrk, JBertram vs arunasr, Ddoox vs elmi, labda vs ajopuu, tamingo vs GoWaniGo, Grablor vs Koan, brx vs Void, user5555 vs Fridex

Rating Graph