Profile of KyuNotDan

In the table are all games played by KyuNotDan and bit further down you'll find all reviews and finally the rating graph.

Games Table of KyuNotDan

# Tournament Round White Black Result Rating Change
2 EYD League D3 September 2024 2 KyuNotDan busser B+Time 745 -4
1 EYD League D3 September 2024 1 KyuNotDan Ddoox B+Time 749 -5
0 EYD League D3 September 2024 0 Initial Rating 754

Reviews for KyuNotDan RSS

  • Season 40 Cycle 1
    • Group D 1st round review KyuNotDan vs Ddoox, scigor vs wlntermute, gastlosen vs Enpie, gurujeet vs arunasr, gipson2 vs stigvp, cain52 vs Dudoso

Rating Graph