Profile of Yithril

In the table are all games played by Yithril and bit further down you'll find all reviews and finally the rating graph.

Games Table of Yithril

# Tournament Round White Black Result Rating Change
44 AYD League A, June-July 2018 5 DuguYue Yithril W+4.5 2261 -9
43 AYD League A, June-July 2018 4 Yithril redreoicy B+Resign 2270 -5
42 AYD League A, June-July 2018 3 Yithril mq4ever W+Resign 2275 +11
41 AYD League A, June-July 2018 2 Yithril Brandon B+Resign 2264 -4
40 AYD League A, June-July 2018 1 Yithril NhanHo B+Resign 2268 -3
39 AYD League B, May-June 2018 5 mq4ever Yithril B+2.5 2271 +12
38 AYD League B, May-June 2018 4 Yithril U W+Resign 2259 +4
37 AYD League B, May-June 2018 3 Yithril boltar W+Resign 2255 +9
36 AYD League B, May-June 2018 2 Yithril Seregon B+Resign 2246 -13
35 AYD League B, May-June 2018 1 Yithril ticktock W+Resign 2259 +5
34 AYD League A, April-May 2018 5 Yithril redreoicy W+Resign 2254 +17
33 AYD League A, April-May 2018 4 Brandon Yithril W+Resign 2237 -5
32 AYD League A, April-May 2018 3 DuguYue Yithril W+R 2242 -10
31 AYD League A, April-May 2018 2 Yithril mq4ever B+Resign 2252 -8
30 AYD League A, April-May 2018 1 Yithril NhanHo B+Resign 2260 -3
29 AYD League A, March 2018 5 redreoicy Yithril W+Resign 2263 -4
28 AYD League A, March 2018 4 Yithril will122166 W+Resign 2267 +11
27 AYD League A, March 2018 3 Yithril Abduct W+Resign 2256 +11
26 AYD League A, March 2018 2 Yithril Starstorm3 B+4.5 2245 -3
25 AYD League A, March 2018 1 Yithril NhanHo B+Resign 2248 -3
24 AYD League B, February 2018 5 Abduct Yithril W+14.5 2251 -10
23 AYD League B, February 2018 4 ticktock Yithril B+Resign 2261 +4
22 AYD League B, February 2018 3 Brian Yithril B+0.5 2257 +8
21 AYD League B, February 2018 2 Yithril boltar W+4.5 2249 +10
20 AYD League B, February 2018 1 zxqfl Yithril B+Resign 2239 +6
19 AYD League A, January 2018 5 Yithril will122166 W+8.5 2233 +12
18 AYD League A, January 2018 4 Yithril redreoicy B+Resign 2221 -3
17 AYD League A, January 2018 3 Yithril Abduct B+Resign 2224 -9
16 AYD League A, January 2018 2 Yithril Starstorm3 B+Resign 2233 -4
15 AYD League A, November 2017 5 Yithril Twprcntmlk B+13.5 2237 -15
14 AYD League A, November 2017 4 Yithril DuguYue W+Resign 2252 +10
13 AYD League A, November 2017 3 Yithril NhanHo B+Resign 2242 -5
12 AYD League A, November 2017 2 Yithril redreoicy W+2.5 2247 +16
11 AYD League A, November 2017 1 Starstorm3 Yithril W+Resign 2231 -5
10 AYD League A, October 2017 5 Brian Yithril B+14.5 2236 +8
9 AYD League A, October 2017 4 Yithril boltar B+Resign 2228 -11
8 AYD League A, October 2017 3 Yithril NhanHo B+21.5 2239 -5
7 AYD League A, October 2017 2 redreoicy Yithril W+17.5 2244 -5
6 AYD League A, October 2017 1 Starstorm3 Yithril W+Resign 2249 -5
5 AYD League A, September 2017 5 Yithril DuguYue W+0.5 2254 +10
4 AYD League A, September 2017 4 Yithril NitramBell W+Resign 2244 +10
3 AYD League A, September 2017 3 Starstorm3 Yithril W+Resign 2234 -5
2 AYD League A, September 2017 2 Yithril redreoicy B+10.5 2239 -5
1 AYD League A, September 2017 1 Yithril NhanHo B+Resign 2244 -6
0 AYD League A, September 2017 0 Initial Rating 2250

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