Profile of JoshGo

Find some information about JoshGo in the profile info. In the table are all games and bit further down you'll find all reviews and finally the rating graph.

Profile info of JoshGo

City: Paris
Country: France

Games Table of JoshGo

# Tournament Round White Black Result Rating Change
5 EYD League S, January 2017 5 gosei JoshGo W+Resign 2211 -9
4 EYD League S, January 2017 4 JoshGo senyuki B+Resign 2220 -7
3 EYD League S, January 2017 3 JoshGo Tasky B+Resign 2227 -9
2 EYD League S, January 2017 2 Luxure JoshGo W+Resign 2236 -8
1 EYD League S, January 2017 1 JoshGo lovebach B+Resign 2244 -6
0 EYD League S, January 2017 0 Initial Rating 2250

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Rating Graph