Profile of Azmores

Find some information about Azmores in the profile info. In the table are all games and bit further down you'll find all reviews and finally the rating graph.

Profile info of Azmores

About me

I'm a relatively new person to Go despite having access to a board since I was very young, I only played a handful of times through my developing years.

As I've grown older I've found more interest in these types of games and, as such, have been studying hard with Go! I'm hoping to learn a lot from this program and grow with you all!
City: Seattle, Washington
Country: USA
My strengths: I'm still a bit too fuzzy to safely say what my strengths are at this point in time, but when I figure it out I'll let you know!
My weaknesses: I tend to miss easy reads and end up losing fights quickly as of such. I am working on such but also working on not getting into situations in which I would have to fight so frantically in the first place!

Games Table of Azmores

# Tournament Round White Black Result Rating Change
4 AYD League D3, October 2020 4 Azmores Plenty W+59.5 730 +13
3 AYD League D3, October 2020 3 msun Azmores B+49.5 717 +9
2 AYD League D3, October 2020 2 Azmores rhett23 B+31.5 708 -8
1 AYD League D3, October 2020 1 Azmores euge W+25.5 716 +16
0 AYD League D3, October 2020 0 Initial Rating 700

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